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Captiveportal-login Could Not Be Found Aruba Not Authing Updated FREE

Captiveportal-login Could Not Be Found Aruba Not Authing

Save yourself from insanity: Aruba Captive Portal RADIUS Accounting

raidusI've been significant to mail service this i for a while but got there in the end! Recently we inverse our content filtering provider and one of the aims of the new organization was to ensure tighter integration between the Wi-Fi controller and filter for authentication \ identification of users.

We particuarly needed the framed-ip-address attribute as that's used to tie a device to a user on our particular filtering product. In theory the setup sounds fairly straightforward:

  • set up Windows Network Policy Server to handle RADIUS hallmark
  • set upward RADIUS authentication profile against a new Wi-Fi SSID
  • fix RADIUS accounting on the wireless controller
  • gear up up RADIUS accounting on the filtering server

Initially all went well and we were able to cosign users smoothly onto the Wi-Fi network via the existing convict portal… but (and isn't in that location always a but!) we saw zippo on the filtering server, only an empty void of white space where user account activity should've been 😦

Initial troubleshooting steps

So I checked the simple things first…

  1. Cheque RADIUS Interim Accounting option is enabled on the AAA profile
  2. Bank check if shared hugger-mugger is also circuitous \ typo when entering it into various config pages
  3. Ensure bookkeeping server options in Windows NPS are configured correctly
  4. Confirm configuration of accounting server details on Wi-Fi controller
  5. Ensure ports for bookkeeping information are ready as they should be

Everything checked out correctly and authentication still worked fine despite me trying to pause information technology, which made bookkeeping failing even more than strange. With that in listen it was time to move onto some more than in-depth troubleshooting.

Delving deeper

Next step was to endeavour and run across if any accounting traffic was actually being sent and so trusty Wireshark was spooled upwardly to watch traffic for anything on port 1813. We saw plenty on 1812 for hallmark but consistently nothing on 1813. At 1 phase I was beginning to wonder if the NPS server had something to do with it but replies to my posts to TechNet forums suggested otherwise.

A case was then opened with Aruba support which involved upgrading the controller to latest firmware 6.iv.2.12 earlier further troubleshooting could be performed. A few useful commands came out of this procedure, which should be ran before upgrading to ensure the controller has enough resource to run the upgrade:

show memory evidence storage

Every bit an aside the upgrade did give usa a overnice new(er) feature called AppRF that basically brings application-level monitoring to the Aruba UI. Information technology saves going through the firewall to detect the same information and allows u.s. to run across at-a-glance where the bandwidth is going on the wireless network and to which user(south):

image credit: Aruba Networks

The update besides made packet captures on the controller a scrap simpler, which further proved our theory that no bookkeeping traffic was being sent as the controller itself didn't log annihilation on 1813 in its direct captures. All the same despite the upgrade we were nonetheless no closer to resolving the accounting issue.

The breakthrough

Later on escalating through various levels of Aruba back up and production direction one of the technical team finally found our issue, which turned out to be a deceptively simple fix. It's a sneaky niggling setting squirrelled abroad namedConvict Portal Bank check for Accounting

The setting in question lives inside the Misc. Configuration section of Security > User Roles.

You need to edit the settings of the role that is assigned every bit the 802.1X User Default Role for the the AAA Profile associated with your RADIUS-enabled VAP (what a sentence that is!)

aruba role misc settings

Basically untick that box and everything starts working…

By default the Captive Portal Bank check for Bookkeeping box is ticked and therefore bookkeeping won't piece of work if the user has authenticated via a captive portal. The Aruba documentation has this to say nigh information technology:

The check-for-bookkeeping parameter is introduced in ArubaOS 6.3.ane.vii. If disabled, RADIUS accounting is done for an authenticated users irrespective of the captive-portal contour in the office of an authenticated user. If enabled, accounting is not washed as long as the user's office has a convict portal profile on it. Bookkeeping will start when Auth/XML-Add together/CoA changes the role of an authenticated user to a role which doesn't have convict portal profile. This parameter is enabled past default.

Every bit presently as the box was cleared accounting information came flooding in and I was pleasantly surprised to encounter how quick the interim updates were also processed, equally some vendors' interpretations of the RADIUS accounting standards aren't quite and then amiable from what I read during my research.

Was certainly a voyage of discovery to become to the solution but we have gained a few new features forth the style and I've also become well acquainted with the ArubaOS CLI for troubleshooting purposes, so the procedure has added some valuable knowledge too 🙂

Captiveportal-login Could Not Be Found Aruba Not Authing


Source: https://gshaw0.wordpress.com/tag/captive-portal/

Posted by: batesmurets1992.blogspot.com

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